Monday, October 1, 2012

One Thing

Our kids talked about one of my favorite passages in the Old Testament in Sunday School this week: God parting the red sea to rescue and redeem the Hebrew people. The scripture following that story in Exodus 15 is one of the most beautifully written prayers. Miriam, Moses' sister writes this beautiful song of how her heart is feeling. God had just saved them from SLAVERY.

Slavery meant that they worked all day long with very little rest. Children were forced into slavery and didn't know a life apart from working-- they did the EXACT same thing everyday. They made bricks, and they carried heavy loads for the people in power whom they despised. So, after God provided this "out" away from EVERYTHING they had been bonded to, I cannot imagine their JOY. They had nothing to rely upon but they knew ONE thing. They knew that God's love and mercy had gotten them out of being enslaved! I would have LOVED to be a part of that celebration. The Hebrews were united and their hearts were probably all just bursting with joy even though they didn't know life apart from being captive. They had no clue what to expect but they were CONFIDENT of ONE thing. They were confident that the Lord's love wasn't going to run out. The Lord wasn't going to stop providing. The Lord's love and grace was all they needed.

This is one of my favorite songs as of this week. I know it's a bit more contemporary than we are used to, but I want this to be the prayer of my heart. I want to be CONFIDENT of at least this one thing in this world. This song reminds me over and over on a hard day, that The Lord's love is unending. He loves me regardless of my mess ups and this is cause for SUCH celebration. May we continue to encourage one another in our homes and in this congregation to celebrate God's unending love. Listen to this song as a family, as you're in the car and as you're preparing meals to be reminded of just ONE thing this week. God is faithful. So, so faithful.

How can you celebrate God's faithfulness to your family in your home?

  • Ask your kids what they are thankful for-- keep a running list, record it because God's love and provision is worth celebrating. Read Exodus 15: 1-21 as a family and see what Miriam was thankful for after crossing the Red Sea. 
  • What are things God gives us that we take for granted? Pray and thank God as a family for these simple things. You'll be surprised at the little things your kids are thankful for. 

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