Monday, September 24, 2012

Moldable Clay

I've watched this video on throwing pottery about 5 times today. I'm just amazed at how steady and skilled the potter's hands are in this video. I've tried several times in my life forming clay to a beautiful ceramic piece that my parents will want to pass down as an heirloom. But, all that ever make are the beloved miniature lop-sided, cracked flower vases-- that on it's best day could hold MAYBE one petunia bloom. These pieces I've made serve absolutely no purpose.

When returning back to the imagery of God being the potter and us being the clay, I'm replaying this youtube video over and over. In this video, the potter has to wet the clay multiple times in order for it to be easily molded. That probably is not when the clay is most "comfortable" being drenched and being made into a different shape. But, the potter has to sometime add something or in some cases, take away something in order for it to be shaped just as the potter desires.

Then, I look at my own life. Am I allowing God to mold me? OR, am I just a dried up piece of clay refusing to take shape? Am I allowing The Potter to design, hold and form me into a beautiful heirloom that has much use or, am I being stubborn wanting to remain dry-- taking the shape of a lop-sided, cracked decoration with no purpose?

Just as we struggle with being obedient and reverent when God has a plan for our life-- our kids are probably struggling as well! If you are doubting the plan for your own life, or our Church that is growing, your kids probably are seeing or reaping your doubt. Continue to talk to your kids about their doubts about God's plans encouraging them to be open minded and willing to try new things! Again, if there's something that is just too hard store it away and record it somehow. Months later, when you look back it will be so encouraging to your family to see what God has helped you through.

 It's such an exciting time for us as a Church and I'm fervently and boldly praying that the Lord will soften our hearts to be molded and formed to His people who carry out His work here. I long to be molded and formed to the Lord's will but, my nature is often times dry and plain ole' comfortable. My own prayer is that if I need a good "dampening" that He will do that so I will be able to be easily and effortlessly formed into something beautiful and useful.

Where are areas that you need to be softened? Is it your relationship with Christ? Is it relationships in your home? Are you having a hard time forgiving? I challenge each of you to sit and think about what is keeping you from being completely molded into the image of Christ.

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