Monday, October 8, 2012

Confidence in a Reminder

We are officially ChristChurch Presbyterian! It's so great to look back on The Lord's Faithfulness to us and His love for us-- even though we do not deserve it. I never will understand why I take advantage of the Lord's faithfulness. I don't deserved to be loved and taken care after but He never, ever leaves me to fend for myself. I'm resting and celebrating  in that hope and love this morning. I'm never left alone-- His love for me doesn't change.

I tried, briefly, to remind our kids of that yesterday during the Children's moment. Regardless of this name change, or denominational change, or community change-- The LORD is the same. Nothing about Him changes, He is true to His word and for that we have SO much to take comfort in! 

We need to communally be reminding our kids of the Lord's consistency over the next few weeks. We may understand why, how and when we decided to make this change in names, denomination and operation but our kids don't... and those details, in my opinion,  really aren't necessary in loving them unconditionally and teaching them about Jesus Christ. They just aren't.

The FACTS our kids need to be 100% confident of during this time of transition are:

1- The Lord loves them unconditionally and that will never, ever change.
2- The Church loves them and that will never, ever change.
3- Jesus wants to have a personal and intimate relationship with them! He is always there to listen and always available for them to go to.
4- They are vital to this congregation- they are just as important as the adults!
5- I want to be with them, hang with them, play with them and teach them! My love and concern for our kids will never, ever change. I'm dedicated and covenantally fastened and attached  to loving, nurturing and protecting them-- and whatever else I can do to show them the grace and faithfulness of Jesus Christ! 

I'm so excited about my new steps with our kids and with all of your families! But, we all need to be constantly reminding each other and especially our Children of God's love and His desire to be in relationship with each of us. It needs to be a reminder just as physical as a post on our doorframes, or bound to our wrists, or written on our foreheads! May we never forget to tell and celebrate with our kids the Lord's faithfulness.

 " Listen Israel: Yahweh (LORD, a Holy God with a PURPOSE for HIS people)  is our Elohim (GOD above Gods) . Yahweh is only God. Love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. Take to heart these words I give you today. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you're at home or away, when you lie down or get up. Write them down and tie them to your wrist, and wear them as headbands as a reminder. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." 

For the next few weeks, leading into our Wednesday Night Series with the Kids, Names of God- I'll be reading and sharing scripture from one of my favorite Bibles "The Names of God Bible" Editor- Ann Spangler. I HIGHLY suggest purchasing one for your family. It unpacks and teaches the different names used in scripture for the Lord. You can buy them on Amazon here:

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