Monday, August 13, 2012

The Active Heart of Family Ministry

I've written and re-written this post about seven times now. I just can't decide the next step I want to share. I have a jumbled philosophy of Family Ministry in my head and the more time I spend in this sweet congregation the more my ideas and concepts become more concrete and more theologically sound. So, I'm thankful. So thankful for your open arms and support; and I'm SO thankful for the faces of your sweet children that have been engraved onto my heart already.  My heart is full! My whole Family Ministry philosophy revolves around one of the most important acts we do as a community and that we do as the Church universal. Baptism.

I could write for days and days about the importance Baptism not only plays in the life of an individual but, the existence of the Church itself. Seriously, it's that big of a deal. But, because I want to have teaching material for the fall, I'll refrain from spilling it all.

Baptism is what links us all. Baptism unites all of us in a way that is beyond all of our comprehension. It's how God unites and ties us all together; the vows of baptism are why we all are responsible for the well being of one another and WHY we are called to accountability. We are called to love, encourage, pray, cry with, teach and nurture one another because of baptism and what we have vowed as a community. When a child is baptized, the Church partners in hand with the parents to love, teach, guide and protect the life of this child. It is not just the job of the parents.

When the congregation stands and proclaims responsibility for the life of the child during the sacrament, the child's life is changed. The congregation's life is changed. The Church is no longer the same when the child becomes a part of their mandate.

I believe whole heartedly, without a doubt, 100% that the heart of Family Ministry is when the Body of Christ lives into baptismal vows taken by the congregation and parents in order to nurture, equip and engraft children into a life of spiritual growth and formation.

So, as we brainstorm, communicate, and meet about the future of Family Ministries at FPC Dalton- this is the non-negotiable foundation of what Family Ministry is. Baptism- it's what unites us as a family regardless of background, race, location, country, class or gender. We are family because Christ has called us His own; and because Christ claims us as His own-- we should claim each other as OUR very own. 

Please be in touch I want to know your ideas, thoughts and setbacks about this brand new ministry. Allow me to be a partner of yours as we are all piecing this beautiful new ministry together. I'm so eager to hear from you!


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