Monday, April 27, 2015

A Story About Pam

This weekend, my Meyers Briggs twin (ENFP) Pam Cole, came to Dalton. When she comes, it's always filled with lots of cake, gift giving and a prophetic voice of hope.  Now, usually, Pam goes to sleep for the evening when I'm eating a late lunch, as the Lord wakes her up in the wee moments of the morning to pray. But, we stayed up until about the time she wakes up this weekend, mostly because of this great story I'm about to share with you...

So, my dear Pam spent the day with me Thursday. Visiting with people dearest to me in Dalton, and with those who are always most eager to see her. She spoke a prophetic message over our women that has encouraged me since it has touched my ears. She is a friend that comes into my life speaking hope and love from the Lord to me when I am most in need. She is discerning in that area of my life and hers, and I am so grateful that I know her because the Lord uses her to speak into my heart.

After we spent the day together Thursday catching up, shopping, sharing, the women's dinner, and laughing- it was time to go home to my house. My mom came to Dalton for the evening to hear Pam's message and spend the evening with us Thursday. We told Pam we would meet her at my house (about 5 blocks from the church) since she stayed a bit later chatting with a few women. She has been to my house and has stayed with me multiple times, mind you.

I got home, grabbed a snack, and sat on the couch with my mom waiting for Pam to arrive, hoping to share a glass of wine or two. As long moments passed by, I texted a woman I knew she was in the parking lot with saying "Tell Pam to let you go home! We know you have to work in the morning. We love you!"

I figured Pam was talking with others so, I didn't think anything of it.

About 45 minutes passed by, and I received an e-mail from a stranger. Luckily, we are in the midst of Marketplace madness, so I've been checking my email way more often than I typically do. The subject line read:

"You don't know me but Pam is lost! We are at Panera with her and we have people out looking for where you live!"

We jumped in the car, and drove the .4 miles to find Pam. She had lost her phone from the adventures of the day and so, she befriended a large family who had sent out search parties to find my townhouse, with the only description being "It has a fern out front." Don't worry friends, the police and other members of this family stopped looking for the townhouse with a fern out front,  once we arrived to a closed Panera to pick her up out front. We all had a good laugh at went home. Only Pam Cole could befriend a large amount of strangers, to make them hop in cars in and look for my home... and get the police involved.

All of this being said and shared, there are the people that bring joy and newness into your own life, Pam is certainly one of these for me. I can only assume she is like that for so many others in her realm of influence. Who are the people in your life that bring you hope and a word from the Lord? Who encourages you to know more of Christ by spending time with them? The Lord desires for us to have relationships like this, people to sustain us through the wilderness. To be visible and tangible reminders of the Lord's faithfulness and promises. I have a few people that do this. Pam Cole is one- I'm thankful for her intercession on my behalf- and on behalf of CCP. Reach out to the people who need  you to do this for them. Pray for someone, and let them know! Write a note to remind them of God's love. For people that are relationally driven like my sister Pam, this will bring them a great sense of fulfillment  and joy to be able to walk alongside of someone else. I've experienced and seen it! Go on, be a Pam.

Finally, back on the couch. 

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