Monday, November 23, 2015

A Blank Page

There's something thrilling and equally as terrifying about a blank page. Being the inner 85 year old woman that I self- admittedly am, I love writing a note or journaling something with my own hands.  I love crisp stationery, an unopened notebook, a new (extra) fine tipped pen, or even a brand new word document (or blog). Fresh.

I think about the people throughout scripture who God has called upon to leave everything they once new as "life" and "living" and called them to a new level of trust; to that same terrifying yet equally as thrilling newness. Sometimes this required a lifestyle change, sometimes it involved a lowering of pride, sometimes it involved sitting and listening. I think of Noah, when God did away with all that was familiar and Noah walked in obedience to the Lord's calling of all things new. A new world! Abraham did the same even at a much later age. Abraham didn't realize his newness and calling upon His life in the Lord, until his late age and the desire and birth of his son. God promised His faithfulness to Abraham, in exchange for Abraham's obedience and trust. Leadership was expanded! Generations looked to Abraham's steadfast leadership. Even Joseph's life was significantly altered as he found himself at the bottom of a well. Everything He once was, was still a part of His life and story, but God used His abandonment by his brothers, to put Joseph in a place of trust and awareness. Look how God used HIS "newness"!

I feel so often in ministry at CCP and personally, that God calls me to new. He calls me to fresh eyes. He calls me to alter my lifestyle. He calls me to abandon old habits and bondage. He calls me to eagerly expect how He is going to work this very day. But, because I haven't had numerous shaking life-altering moments with God, I get stuck in the mundane. I experience Him with a stale and humdrum heart. I don't eagerly await His working. 

When in conversations with friends, and I'm getting new information that is exciting or that I know nothing about, I can't help but lean in. I can't help to want to be quiet and listen attentively. My mouth moves so quickly asking questions, people can barely understand what I'm saying! I want gather all the information I can because it's new!

Friends, this is our current season. Something new is so, so close.  I, like many of you, are clinging to the Lord's every move and every provision. We're leaning in. When we are experiencing the unveiling of newness, and doing away with bondage and being called out of waiting, we will experience Him in  a new way. I trust whole heartedly the changes about to be experienced in the life of CCP, because I know the Lord does everything in His power to know and love me. God has proven Himself so faithful to us, so tender-hearted, and so near. Here comes a new wave of new! Let's lean in, listen attentively, and not only watch how He works, but take part!

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