I've been basking in Sunday's worship service for about 72 hours now. For me, it was just one of those Sundays that I keep replaying and picking apart because the Holy Spirit was present, moving and the people worshipping together, led ME to worship. People proclaiming baptismal vows, led me to worship. Susan Hill holding precious Nola on behalf of our congregation, led me to worship. I love when that happens. The Holy Spirit's intercession always leaves me wanting more and humbled that I am a part of such a community that desires the heart of God. I'm still being challenged by my dear friend, Pam Cole's message from God. I adore her, and I'm blessed to receive such encouragement and grace from her alongside of all of YOU! It was a great Sunday.
So, as I'm sitting back unpacking, journaling and thinking about surrender and conflicts and trials of our life, I'm reminded again of our deepest motivations for surrendering. Based upon the Boundaries series the young families have been working on in Sunday School, Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend would say anything in which the product isn't FREEDOM AND LOVE ....isn't from Christ, it is of self. It isn't really surrender. The fruit and product of doing what God desires us to do is always freedom. The fruit of doing what God wants us to do is always seeing His love being poured upon us and therefore, us, pouring that overflow onto others. Any action in which you do in the name of Christ like forgiveness, mercy, grace, charity, compassion, accountability, or even... worshipping should always be done in freedom. The surrender of our own lives, our own agendas, our own treasures, our own plans leads to great freedom in Christ's grace and unfathomable love. Giving ourselves to His service is about THE hardest and most freeing action one can have. He set us free from sin, from captivity, from an eternity apart from Him AND promises us freedom. I cannot wrap my head around why I get such favor, such blessings and such freedom. And isn't it crazy that I neglect it? I neglect that freedom, and I get caught up in the legalism of following Jesus. I get caught in the black and white- I think we all do. I neglect the restoration and rest that surrendering to Christ has to offer. Surrendering is taking off your heavy load. Surrendering is letting someone do something you cannot do. Surrendering is saying " I cannot do it alone." Surrendering is sometimes.... just stopping.
In Ezekiel 47, Ezekiel writes about when the temple (Israel) is going to be restored and what He envisions when that happens. Ezekiel speaks of a river in which trees of all kinds will grow on all sides of The River, on the banks it will be lush with growth, life and healing. The trees will not wither, the fruit will not fail, because this water, is the river of life. This water will restore you, the fruit will be made for healing. Think about those things in your life that are restorative. Think about the people, circumstances, scripture, prayers that repair and heal you-- and remind you of the freedom of surrender. In all of those categories, I can bring to mind people that lead me to saturate my soul with Jesus because of their example. There are passages of scripture that lead my soul to quietness and trust-- these people, passages, places lead me to The River. The River is Jesus. The River is surrender. The River is rest. The River is hope.
Today, I came upon this song as I was preparing for a meeting: and it spurred this whole post. Please if you have time, take a listen. It's a song of revival. It's a song of prayer asking the Lord to lead to you to the healing, repair and restoration of the river. The river that brings life, that brings hope, that brings surrender out of humility. It brings revival. It's a song that quiets us to enter into the presence of Jesus that restores us all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od-fVHaAKxc
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