Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Father or Provider?

Good morning, all! I just wanted to started updating you about the new curriculum we started this week in our children's Sunday school. We're using Grow Proclaim Serve published by Cokesbury. Here's the website to take a look at some sample resources and to read articles for parents and grandparents: http://www.growproclaimserve.com/

This past Sunday, your kids learned about how and when God called Moses to lead God's people to freedom. In all of their classes, they talked about how God described Himself as "I am who I am" and how God asked Moses to do something he did not think he was capable of doing. Your kids discussed places and situations that might be hard but how it is comforting to know that God always helps and loves us through each step.

I'll give all of you a conversation starter in your home this week: names of God. In this passage of Exodus 2:11-30 God describes Himself as I am. What are other names you know of God? How do you come to learn and say these names?

Personally, I love learning and relating to the names of God. I have recently come to know God as Comforter. I haven't experienced God being my ultimate comfort until my move to Georgia. God as Comforter puts my spirit at ease because I've experienced that- I know what Comforter means, I've had God be my Comforter when I feel like I have nothing else to rely upon.  On the flip side, because I haven't experienced God as "Refuge for the Oppressed" I don't often refer to that name. But, people who are STILL experiencing slavery and persecution relate to that name. They find hope and joy in knowing that God IS a refuge. Knowing and reading in scripture about how people cry out to God gives me such hope. That God wants to meet us where we are. If we are dried up and thirsty for something that we cannot provide for ourselves, God is the "Fountain of Living Waters."

I challenge you to talk about the different names that you and your family relate to. Have y'all experienced God as Provider, The Almighty or Author and Finisher of our Faith? What names and attributes of God have you read about in scripture that bring you such hope?

Here are some names I can think of, there are MANY more throughout scripture that are so great to study.

God alone, God of Hope, Tower of Salvation, Judge of all the earth, Deliverer, Rock, Refuge, Faithful, Provider, My portion, Cornerstone, Jealous God, Sure Foundation, Bread of Life, Counselor, Father to the Fatherless, Shepherd and Everlasting God

As you read through scripture this week, be looking out for how God describes Himself and how writers cry out to God.

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