Monday, August 27, 2012

No Such Thing as A Volunteer "Phase"

Ok, so now that we've covered that we are to graft our kids into the community and our biblical mandate is to protect, teach and love these kids, what kind of community and Church are we wanting to graft our children into?

Are we wanting to only"babysit" our children while the adults are learning and growing- OR are we seeing them as a vital and active part of the Body of Christ? Our mission after we have claimed and proclaimed our baptism vows is to view their spiritual growth just as important as the adults' personal growth.

 It is the job of the entire congregation to interact, serve and teach these sweet kids. It's a treat and such encouragement for our kids to see that there are adults in this Church, besides their parents, that are eager to teach their sunday school classes, plan Wednesday night activities, sit with them in worship, and adults who desire to pray for them!! You may think you are out of the sunday school volunteer "phase", but if we look back to our baptismal vows, this isn't a phase. It's a calling and it's the MAJOR way how our kids come to feel accepted, loved and wanted. When they see grandparents, young adults,  and empty nesters come together to teach their generation, they will feel valuable and loved. Simple as that. We want all of our kids to feel wanted and to feel loved. It's my prayer that has become a reflection of my deepest desire for this ministry- for our kids to want to come back and for them to feel welcomed and wanted. If I do nothing else here, I just want these kids to be excited to come here and not to dread it. I want their name to be known-- and I want to know how to best love each individual child in these walls.  We want them here. Let your actions, where you volunteer, and your decions be a reflection of these kids who we want to keep grafted into the Body of Christ. They are so valuable and they bring such energy and gifts that haven't been seen to many yet!

I challenge the adults and even youth who don't have young kids in their home to sit with young kids during worship these next few weeks. Sit and encourage them as they are learning how to worship- because they learn HOW to do all these things from watching all of you! Make dates to sit with kids, plan to go to lunch or even just sharing a hymnal with the child next to you! There are really simple ways for our kids to feel included into the community and it starts with you.

Just a reminder that there is no Sunday School or early service this Sunday-- we are just having our 10:30 service! Thanks for your continued love and support that all of you have shown me in my first month here. I am overwhelmed and thankful for your open arms!

Please be in touch if you have any ideas or questions concerning Family or Children Ministries.


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